Wednesday, January 9, 2008

January 9th

we need extra prayers starting tommorrw. Mark needs to go to Germany for work for a day but it will be my first time with just the kids. please pray for patience on my part and lots of obedience on the childrens. Please pray for Mark's safe travel. When mark gets back we hit the road finishing up last minute details in Moldova. Then it's on to Romanina. Our official 20 days of waiting is over on Monday, then we have to get their passport, and visa's. I know now one of the reasons why we have waited so long to get the kids was to learn patience's. We miss you guys more than you will ever know and thank you for your encouraging blog remarks.


Unknown said...

Hey! We're continuing to pray for all of you. Just know as you go throughout the day today that many prayers are being said for you. God will provide for all of your needs. HE has worked miracles for you guys and HE will continue to take care of you. We miss you guys and can't wait to see all of you. Hey to Rylan from Adam.
Allan, Jan and Adam

The Bishops said...

Hey Paula and Mark!! Well, just keep hangin in there!! I can't imagine how hard it is but it will be worth it when you get home. Paula, you will be FINE with all the kids!! And I know Rylan will be a huge help...have they all memorize Gilligan yet? Ha!! We miss you all!! Rylan, Jack said to tell you hey...and he needs someone to ride ripsticks with!!

Much love,

Mark and Christy

Dedy Werk said...

Mark, Paula, and family, It is so fun to hear how they want to come to America. We have had some cold days here but the last few have been very warm.(high 60s and low
70s). They are worried about tornados today. I hope it is warm when you get home so you can thaw. We will be praying especially as Mark is away. Paula, you will do great! You are never alone. We love you The Werk Family

Brockfamily said...

Hey Paula,

You will be great with the children - have you given everyone a new haircut yet! We got out of school at 1:00 for weather. Yea!! Love ya, Joan