Tuesday, December 18, 2007

First and Second Day with Jon, Adrian & Adriana

On Monday, we met the children for the first time. They are located in two different orphanages so we have to pick up Jon (9 yrs) and drive to meet the younger children. We were introduced to Jon by the director saying do you like this boy as your brother and this man and woman as your papa and mama? And Jon said yes. Of course we were crying during the translation and he came over and hugged us. We then went over to the other orphange and met Adriana and Adrian. They told them that we were mama and papa and Adriana (6 yrs) said we go home tomorrow. The sad thing is that Jon knew he had a brother and sister but could not remember them due to not seeing them for over a year. Jon is very shy but loves to play with a ball that we brought for him. He enjoys looking at the english flash cards we brought with us. Adriana is like Paula. She is the life of the party and wants to get everyone in the camera for picures. She also enjoys talking to anyone that is on the phone. She is very lovable and wants to give her brother (Rylan) and mama and papa kisses. Today, she enjoyed riding on Rylan's back. Adrian (4 yrs) wants to sit in our lap and will not let go of the Matchbox car we brought for him. From a Fisher Price toy that teaches english, he has learned the word bye bye and says it all the time. When we were leaving the first day, he would not hug us by and cried big tears because we were leaving. Fortunately, we brought a lot of warm clothes because there is about a foot of snow on the ground. Here they view snow plows as being for sissy Americans and drive on the hard packed ice. It makes for an enjoyable cab ride since seatbelts are optional or not available. As of tonight, our court date is set for Dec. 25th at 10 am (Moldova). As we all know, this could change without notice. Please keep us and the process in your prayers. We have seen God work many details out for us and it is too many to mention. More to follow. Mark, Paula, Adrian, Jon, Adriana & Rylan


Unknown said...

Hey! What wonderful news!! Were so glad to hear the news. Can't wait to meet them. Another Paula, oh no!!! Just kidding. Love ya'll, Jan

Emily said...

Hey! I am so excited for all of you. Look forward to hearing more about your trip.


Tripp said...

Great News! Keep the posts coming! Mt 19:14 - Tripp

MorganAshleySalon said...

We miss you!! We were all in tears reading your first couple of days blog! This is our blog info, so if you want to respond we will receive it here at the salon! We love you and are praying for all of you and can't wait to meet the entire family!!

Shelana said...

Nancy sent me your blog...I look forward to reading updates. So happy for you all. Big hugs :)

Shelana & the crew

Dedy Werk said...

Mark and Paula, Fabulous--The kids sound so great--I am smiling just thinking of them as they met their new family--and they don't even know what a great family God has brought them yet--but they will. We are praying for you and love you. The Werk family
Stay warm

Ande and Paula Underwood said...

I am so excited for all of you. I know how glad you both are to finally be with your kids. I can't wait to meet them. Please know that we are praying for you here in Ukraine. Keep warm-- it's freezing here, too! When will you guys be home? We may be getting home around the same time. It'll be a great reunion. Love you guys,
Paula and Ande Underwood

The Bishops said...

Hey Chapmans!!

Wooo!!! We are so excited!! Can't wait to meet the kids!! Rylan, Jack says hey and he will post a message a little later. Do you guys have pictures? I know you do!! That's when the tears will start for me, I just know it!!

We love you all and miss you!!

Dallas Dunleavy said...

Praying for you always! God bless all of you. Jim, Lori and Kids

Fabfive5 said...

Hello Guys,

It is great news to see prayers being answered and Blessings come true. We are praying that the remaining time go by quickly, so that you all can return home soon. We can't wait to meet them and welcome them to the neighborhood, the kids smile with joy when they saw the picture. Love, Freddie, Deborah, Kelsie, Jonah and Jalen